Monday, September 30, 2019

Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. Essay

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are very prominent African American individuals throughout history. They fought for what they stood for but in many different ways. As we all know in history there are no two great men that are alike. Their many beliefs may have blossomed from the households they came from and how they grew up. King grew up in a middle class family and was well educated. While, Malcolm X grew up in an underprivileged environment that was very hostile with barely any schooling. Martin Luther King Jr. was always against violence, throughout his entire ministry. He always stood his ground, and he stood out because eventhough he may have been physically attacked, he never reacted with violence. Martin Luther King Jr. followed the Christian faith. Malcolm X was a Muslim, and believed in Muslim principles. His most famous line was â€Å"By any Means Necessary†. He believed in fighting back physically. Whatever had to be done to get freedom he was all for it whether it be violence or nonviolence. Although later in life he visited Jerusalem, and met other Muslims. He changed his views, and became nonviolent. Both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. had uncompromising love for their people. They both wanted see Black people in the best possible position. They were both religious figures that used religious to provide structure, morality, courage, determination and unity in Black people. They were both killed before they reached their 40th birthday.They both stood 4 freedom,they were both assassinated and they both liked Afro-American women.Different religions but both were men of god. Malcolm X was a Muslim and Martin Luther King jr was a Christian. Malcolm X was a Black nationalists and Garveyite. Malcolm X did not believe in an integrated society between Blacks and Whites. Malcolm X believed that Black people should build a world for themselves controlled by themselves that specifically addressed the needs and desires unique to Black people. MLK wanted his movement to be peaceful, while X was a radical extremist who wanted A.A. rights to be violent..Martin Luther King wanted to get things accomplished without aggression or violence, and Malcolm X did not. Martin Luther King wanted everyone to coexist peacefully and wanted to be counted as an equal, and Malcolm X wanted there to be a clear segregation of the White people and Black people in America, with different areas for each to live, because he felt that they would never get along. Martin Luther King Jr was an integrationist. He believe in one American society based upon the promises of the founding fathers of America that all men were created equal and had the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He believed that it was Black people’s right to be first class citizens of America and all that it entailed. After Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam he went to Mecca to complete one of the five pillars of Islam which is â€Å"El Hajj† The holy pilgrimage. After that experience he begin to take on a world view against injustice and tyranny everywhere. Martin Luther King jr take on a similar stance sparked by the Vietnam war. He too saw the importance of fighting injustice worldwide.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Concept Analysis: Quality of LIfe Essay

What does quality of life mean? How would a person define the concept of quality of life? Philosophers have studied questions similar to these in the aspect of what constitutes a â€Å"good† life for hundreds of years. There really is no certain date to the origin of quality of life as a specific term. In the years 1953 to 1954, two economists have been linked as the ones who used the concept in expressing their concern over ecological dangers of unlimited economic growth (Snoek, 2000). Other economists in the 1950s researched the ideas of what counts in life is not the quantity of goods but the quality of one’s life. Social scientists began to use the term quality of life in the 1970s. Also in the 1970s, there has been growing interest in quality of life issues in relation to nursing, medicine, and health care (Sarvimaki & Stenbock-Hult, 2000). Philosophers used the concept quality of life in the 1980s to formulate moral judgment, particularly with infanticide and euthanasia in relation to severely handicapped infants and life sustaining treatment (Pennacchini, Bertolaso, Elvira & DeMarinis, 2011). Researcher’s interest in theoretical issues and quality of life has fallen, but quality of life continues to be used in health care and clinical practice (Pennacchini et al, 2011). There are thousands of people living today with disease and health disparity. For some individuals, the goal of health may not be freedom of disease or health disparity, but a high quality of life. Through concept analysis using the Walker and Avant Model, the concept of quality of life will be examined with an emphasis on health. Many aspects will be explored to the concept, including uses, attributes, case examples, antecedents and empirical referents. Concept The concept of quality of life and what it means is highly ambiguous. Barofsky (2012) explains that any broad concept, such as quality of life, will continually change as it is further studied and more is learned on the concept. In a broad aspect, quality of life can be defined as the dimensions of human experience, ranging from those associated with the necessities of life, such as food, shelter, and achieving a sense of fulfillment and personal happiness (Snoek, 2000). Related to health, quality of life can be defined as a concept encompassing physical and psychological characteristics and limitations, describing an individual’s ability to function and get satisfaction from the ability to function (Snoek, 2000). The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011) defines quality of life as a broad multidimensional concept that includes subjective evaluations of positive and negative aspects to life. Healthy People 2020 (2013) defines health related quality of life as a multidimensional concept including a person’s well being of physical, mental, emotional and social functioning and explains this concept goes beyond life expectancy, causes of death, and direct measures of population health. Purpose Analyzing the concept of health related quality of life helps one understand the concept with deeper meaning and clarity. A question to be asked is, â€Å"how do health practitioners improve the quality of life in patients?† The purpose of quality of life analysis is to improve awareness on the concept and to promote the use in medical and nursing practice. With the growing needs to enhance health related quality of life, national goals have been initiated. Healthy People 2020 (2013) identified quality of life improvement as an important public health goal, paving way to further analysis of the concept. Uses of the Concept The concept of quality of life can be used in many different aspects and disciplines. In general, quality of life can be used with philosophy, politics, business, social sciences, health promotion, nursing, and medicine. Quality of life can be used for life evaluation in each of these disciplines listed above. In health care, for example, research may examine quality of life in relation to cancer treatment versus palliative care. Another specific example would be a study on complementary and alternative medicine use and quality of life in diabetics. In medicine, the concept of  quality of life can be used in many different aspects from disorders, diseases, treatment implications, and improvement of quality of life. In sociology, quality of life can be used for social indicators to trace changes over time and monitor the social system, for example. In politics, quality of life can be measured on individual rights and the freedom of choice. The examples provided are a select few to the wide range of uses for quality of life. Defining Attributes Defining attributes are traits or distinctive features of a concept, giving greater insight to that concept. One of the most important defining attributes to quality of life is happiness. Philosophers have studied happiness for long periods of time, considering happiness to be the highest good and utmost motivation for humans (Kerce, 1992). From other literature review, there are attributes most frequently associated with quality of life, which include: physical health, mental health, level of independence, social and emotional facets, and spirituality. Another attribute that has emerged is ones ability to reflect on their life at a given moment and consider themself to be happily satisfied. There are many individual perspectives to what constitutes quality of life according to each of these defining attributes. For example, quality of life in the aspect of physical health may be pain or ability to sleep. Quality of life in psychological state may be physical appearance, feelings, and self-esteem. For individuals who live in the United States and other developed countries, attributes to quality of life may be different compared to non-developed countries. For example, a person in Africa may define quality of life by freedom from torture, slavery, and religion. Other thoughts in non-developed areas could be the access to education, access to health care, freedom of disease and health burden, and a right to be treated equally. There are many luxuries in the United States and other countries that are not an option in non-developed areas that one must consider with defining attributes at a cultural level. Model Case A model case is used to demonstrate all of the defining characteristics of a concept. For a model case with quality of life, a person would have to be in a state of physical health, mental health, happy, independent, have adequate  social aspects, be able to evaluate their life, and a healthy spiritual life. With this, one must keep in mind the individuality of what these terms mean to someone. A model case could be the following scenario: P.C. is a 62 year-old male who recently retired from his job as an electrical engineer with Paskato Brothers Incorporated. This man is happily married to his wife of 40 years and together they have four children and ten grandchildren. P.C. and his wife are planning their years of retirement to be fulfilled with tourism, purchasing a lake home, and spending time with their children and grandchildren. Socially, P.C. spends Wednesday afternoons with his good friends at Zest Creek golf course. P.C. attends Heart and Spirit Lutheran Church and considers himself to be strong in his beliefs. P.C. exercises three times a week at Wellness World and attends a bone-building class on Tuesday mornings to keep his bones and joints healthy. According to P.C.’s yearly physical with his primary care provider, he is in excellent physical and mental health. P.C. reflects on his life and feels extremely blessed to be in his position and states he â€Å"would not change a thing.† P.C. considers himself to be happy, healthy, and full of life. In this model case, P.C. has met all of the attributes that contribute to quality of life. P.C. is able to look at his life with satisfaction and happiness. From the model, one can determine that P.C. is in good physical health, mental health, social and emotional health, and satisfied with his spiritual life. Also, P.C. is independent in his life, being able to care for himself and has no physical limitations. Borderline Case In life, there are several different components to quality. Many people would argue that the quality of ones life is what matters, not the longevity. From analyzing quality of life, one can understand this concept with better meaning and clarity. Quality of life as a concept has been examined through uses, attributes, case examples, antecedents and consequences, and empirical referents. Through examination, one can determine there are subjective and objective components to quality of life, with an emphasis to individuality. Awareness to the concept has been brought to light, with indication for the importance of quality of life in health care to better patient’s lives. Hopefully, research will continue on ways to improve quality of life in all aspects, with a special focus to health care. References Armstrong, D., & Caldwell, D. (2004). Origins of the concept of quality of life in health care: A rhetorical solution to a political problem. Social Theory & Health, 2, 361- 371. Retrieved from n_health_care Barofsky, I. (2012). Can quality or quality-of-life be defined? Quality Of Life Research, 21(4), 625-631. doi:10.1007/s11136-011-9961-0 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Population Health (2011). Health-related quality of life. . Retrieved from Healthy People 2020, Division of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Midterm creative response paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Midterm creative response - Term Paper Example Hearing the news as a family we were filed with mixed emotions as we were placed in the balance between joy for victory and fear of the unknown. Not only was the event a surprise as the ending of the war was almost instantaneous after the bombings. One thing that mainly stood out to us was that the Japanese had been defeated a long time ago, however still continued to fight. The American troops had gained control of the majority of the Japanese waters. In addition, the Japanese army had lost many troops and was experiencing financial difficulties which further increased the element of surprise when the news came that the war was over. The first question was why, after the Japanese continued to fight in such a compromising position, they decided to quit after just two bombings. We had heard some information on the nuclear bomb; however, we were not completely aware of the extent of damage it can cause. Upon hearing the news that the war was over, the primary emotion that was present among members of the community was joy and relief that the war had ended. We celebrated together with our neighbors as the conflict was long and scarred with destruction, death and terror. Many of our neighbors including our family were waiting for the return of our relatives. However, we often engaged in some concerning discussions on the sides. I was all too careful in such encounters as opinions may differ, and change the jovial atmosphere that was in the community. One question that we mainly discussed in small but close company was whether the use of nuclear weapons was justified. To a certain extent, I would say yes, the use of the atomic bomb was justified. Without the intention of using this term too loosely, all is fair in love and war. The Japanese had previously misrepresented themselves, which led to the deaths of numerous America citizens. In addition, I feel Truman was running out of opti ons as the Japanese were refusing to surrender. During

Friday, September 27, 2019

EXEGESIS PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

EXEGESIS PAPER - Essay Example So the words used of the different translations have the same meaning: the speaker or sufferer feels he is abandoned or deserted because of the suffering and anguish. Words used in the first verse instantly provide a description of suffering: anguish, groaning, roaring, and the phrases â€Å"desperately for help†, â€Å"come to my rescue†, â€Å"far from saving me†, all reveal a desperate situation asking for instant help and rescue. Verses 22 and 23 speak of banquet or meeting, assembly, and the phrases â€Å"I will praise you,† â€Å"I will tell of your name to my brothers,† â€Å"glorify him,† â€Å"fear the Lord†, â€Å"praise him, all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him, all ye the seed of Israel†. All these reveal that the sufferer – Jesus Christ – on the cross feels he is comforted and saved by the presence of the Father in him. After the â€Å"abandonment† feeling, there is comfort and joy. Psalm 22 is a collection of songs originally for the Temple of Jerusalem. The Levites had a role in compiling these songs which David composed. As time went by, the psalms were recited or sang as a form of prayer or lamentation. The psalms formed the prayer of ancient Israel, but today they are the foundation of Christian liturgical prayer, used by Christians and the laity alike.1 These are useful prayer when we would like to converse with God, or listen to him instead of talking. Reciting the psalms is a form of listening to him. God whispers to our souls through his songs. Verses 1-21 are prophecies of Jesus’ suffering in Calvary. But it was written a thousand years before it actually happened. This is a great revelation of God – the Scriptures as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Only God can tell an event a thousand years before it happens and with such an unmistakable accuracy.2 The psalm may have been written by David when Saul was

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chinas Economic Condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chinas Economic Condition - Essay Example Factors that contribute to this are the political system in China as well as the economic system. Market efficiency is achieved when a society is able to put all of its resources to use in order to reach a full level of production. The resources that a society has to employ are labor, land, entrepreneurial ability, and capital (Campbell & Brue, 2004: 24). It has also been noted that market efficiency cannot be obtained unless there is a healthy level of competition present (Clark, 2007:989). China's, known as the People's Republic of China, is lead by the Chinese Communist Party. In a communist system, the government owns most property, resources, and businesses. They make major decisions as to what and how much will be produced. In this type of system, leaders are not elected; they are appointed by the CCP and have emerged from within the ranks of the party (, 2008). In this type of system there is belief that all resources should be allocated equally amongst the citizens, however this is most often times is not the case. In 1978 China initiated free market reforms, which was a major change in its economic system (, 2008).

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Story from the bible Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Story from the bible - Essay Example Judith is introduced in chapter eight as a wealthy widow woman of the city called Bethulia. Her husband died perhaps of heat stroke while he was overseeing a harvest and left her with all of his belongings. She is described as being very pious and wise and has the respect of the elders of the town. When they think they have no choice but to give up, she assures them she will do something about the invading general Holofernes, who is camped in the next valley. By Chapter 11, she has dressed herself in a way that is seductive but also very wealthy and classy so that she can get the attention of Holofernes, which is successful. She spends several nights praying for the right time for Holofernes to attack while he plans how he’s going to have her physically. Chapter 13 is the most exciting chapter of the story as it is here that she beheads Holofernes as he is passed out drunk and then passes out of his camp with his head in a bag unharmed because of the way she had arranged her s tay there. Although she is mentioned as late as the last chapter of the book, Chapter 16, her story is really finished by Chapter 14 after she tells her countrymen what to do with the head and how to frighten the rest of the Assyrians away. This story of Judith is central to the book’s meaning as it is her actions that attempt to teach the process of making oneself the instrument of God. The book has undergone a great deal of scrutiny in terms of its authorship and dating. The Women’s Bible Commentary points out that the book was mentioned in 1 Clement in the first century, so it had to have been written prior to that time. Others, such as the New Jerome Biblical Commentary have discovered references in the writings of Clement of Alexandria, Origen and Tertullian. The HarperCollins Bible Commentary suggests that the book is post-exilic and probably

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Family Genogram Family and Consumer Science Essay

Family Genogram Family and Consumer Science - Essay Example The women respect their husband’s decisions but they have control over a lot of things, especially regarding their children. Having dinner together is only one of the many practices that Israeli families have. This tradition helps to make the family intact. Family is central to Israeli life. Raised in an Israeli family, I observed a number of family traditions that are uncommon to other cultures. In my 18 years of existence, I have seen how my parents give importance to our extended family. Coming from ancestors whose history is dimmed by the horrific events of the Holocaust, my parents, especially my mother, have always valued their siblings. They maintained connection with each other despite the geographical distances and preoccupations at work. For instance, my father makes it a point to communicate with his mother and two sisters every day. Every Friday, my grandmother lights up two candles before sunset and prepares dinner for the whole family. We go to our grandmotherâ⠂¬â„¢s house to have the Shabbat dinner where we spend time to get to know other Israelis. Most of my father’s relatives are in Israel; despite this, I and my cousins have established a close relationship by communicating a lot through Facebook. Moreover, we visit our relatives in Israel once a year, which gives me time to bond with my cousins and other relatives. As Lamanna and Riedman (5) claim, my family serves as the â€Å"center of love and support† (5). My parents provide my physical as well as emotional needs. They encourage me and my sister to tell stories at dinnertime but as it is with other teenagers, I feel more comfortable to tell stories to my cousins. My concept of family is that of an extended family composed of my immediate family, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. As a family, I and my cousins openly share our thoughts, dreams and experiences to each other. Although I am also close to my mother, the nature of the Israeli family makes it more c onvenient to open up to my cousins and because I am used to having an extended family, I can tell my cousins secrets and dreams, which I cannot tell my parents. I can relate well to the class discussion about individual and communal values. Our family has communal values that each member should uphold. These communal values which emphasize needs, goals, and identity of the group (Lamanna and Riedman 13) are mostly related to the Jewish culture. Each part of the family or group is important, for every one contributes to the Jewish society and culture. As members of the Jewish society, we have to act based on the values and laws set in our religion. Part of these laws is being a Batz Mitzvah. When I was thirteen, I was declared as a Batz Mitzvah. In the Jewish culture, this means being accountable for one’s actions and decisions, thus, the tradition is similar to considering young people to be in the legal age. At this point, I am expected to act and base my plans and decisions in accordance to our religion. I am not totally rebellious; in fact, I always find it sound to obey my parents because they only want what is best for me but there are times when my personal preferences would disagree with my parents’. Living in the American culture for more than 11 years, I cannot help but be influenced by my environment. Thus, there are times when I want to obtain something, like material things, but my parents would disagree, and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Mrs. Dalloway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mrs. Dalloway - Essay Example Love, literature and life are shown to be inextricably linked together in this novel written by a woman who was born in a literary family, whose house was a haven for the artistically inclined, and who married a man of letters. In Mrs Dalloway, Septimus Warren Smith, Clarissa Dalloway, Peter Walsh and Sally Seton are, despite all their tribulations, amply rewarded by their love of letters. Although Richard Dalloway is no reader, his patent love for his wife and his concern for her onetime suitor, emphasizes his humanity and redeems his soul. Characters like Sir William Bradshaw, Lady Bruton and Hugh Whitbread, for all their material prosperity are seen to lack spiritual grace because they, at best, do no more than try to manipulate language for their own ends. At the opening of the novel, Clarissa Dalloway takes upon herself the task of buying flowers for the party at her house because the servants would have plenty on their hands. It is a beautiful June morning-" fresh as if issued to children on a beach"(5) and Clarissa's thoughts flow back to the time when she was eighteen and perhaps in love with Peter Walsh who was in love with her: "Musing among the vegetables"--was that it--"I prefer... , she forgot which, for his letters were awfully dull; it was his sayings one remembered; his eyes, his pocket-knife, his smile, his grumpiness and, when millions of things had utterly vanished--how strange it was!--a few sayings like this about cabbages. (5-6) It had been assumed at the time that Peter would 'write'-that he would go on to be a writer-but he cheerfully reveals to Sally Seton at the end of the novel that he had written "Not a word!" (207). However, he had always been a good and judicious reader, and a good and judicious critic of life and letters and men and women, as well as an excellent conversationalist. It was his private grief that, because Clarissa had rejected him, he had fallen for all the wrong women and made a mess of his life, but even so, at the end of the novel, the very sight of Clarissa from afar "fills" him "with extraordinary excitement" (215). One character who seems to live more in the rarefied world of letters than in the real world of life is the relatively young Septimus Warren Smith whose noble mind has been broken by the death of a beloved friend at his side in the war. The world fills him with apprehension, and empathetically we feel, rightly so: Septimus Warren Smith, aged about thirty, pale-faced, beak-nosed, wearing brown shoes and a shabby overcoat, with hazel eyes which had that look of apprehension in them which makes complete strangers apprehensive too. The world has raised its whip; where will it descend (17) Septimus lives in a world of his own populated by his own anxieties and fears and by the voices and sounds that speak to him and to him only, and which he feels compelled to record: Men must not cut down trees. There is a God. (He noted such revelations on the backs of envelopes.) Change the world. No one kills

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Role of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in the Workplace Essay

The Role of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics in the Workplace - Essay Example As the report declares companies have an obligation to act responsibly and ethically in any country that they based their operations in, regardless of any perceived economic or political factors that might come into play. This particular example shows that PharmaCare failed to live up to this expected code of conduct. PharmaCare seemingly was profit driven, like any company throughout the world, yet the exhibited a lack of compassion in dealing with the people of Colberia and their obvious disparity in terms of wealth. The situation presented in the case study is one of paying ridiculously low wages to the people, while flaunting their own wealth openly in the community. They could have chosen to raise wages to a sustainable level in an effort to help the country, yet they opted to ensure that the people of Colberia remained in poverty. This paper discusses that responsible international companies look at view all of the employees, both domestic and foreign, as partners in the organization. The people of Colberia contributed to the overall early success of PharmaCare, so they should have been more adequately compensated. Wages certainly are not equal around the world, as costs of living of different. So, while it is true that the people of Colberia should not be compensated at the same level as Western employees, they should still be adequately rewarded for their work, particularly for their own medical ingenuity. In this regard, PharmaCare’s actions in Colberia certainly appear to be unethical, particularly when considering wages and working conditions. Donna, Tom, Ayesha: Actions to Take PharmaCare has faced situations with firing employees. These decisions are certainly not to be taken lightly, and often exhibit the potential for legal action to be taken. The company itself is located in New Jersey, which is not currently a right to work state. As such, this situation is bit more difficult to tackle, as employees cannot generally be terminated without proper cause. In reading this case study, without knowing all of the particulars involved, it certainly appears as though the firings would technically be legal, although the circumstances surrounding each should have give PharmaCare reason to pause and consider their actions. In looking at the case of Donna, she did honestly begin to miss quite a bit of work. We do not see where proof of the reasons she missed work were ever justified, other than blaming it on a mold issue in the office. This claim, however, was not proved. Now, if the allegations made by Tom were found to be true, he may very well have a legal case in claiming that this termination was without proper cause. In regards to Ayesha, she would first need to prove that she was being subject to

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Financial Statements Essay Example for Free

Financial Statements Essay There are four basic financial statements that companies use. They begin with income statement, statement of owner’s equity, balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows. Company’s use income statements to report how much money they have made and how much they have spent over a specified period of time. The statement of owner’s equity is used to report any changes in equity from a company’s net income or net loss, as well as report changes in the owner’s investments and withdrawals over a specified period of time. The balance sheet is used to report a company’s financial position at any point in time. This statement includes information such as what types of assets and their amounts, liabilities, and equity. The statement of cash flows is the last document out of the four basic financial statements. This statement is used to report how much money a company is bringing in (receipts), and how much they are spending (payments), during a specific period of time. Any changes found in assets and liabilities on a balance sheet reflect the revenues and expenses found in the income statement, which in turn results in gains or losses for a company. The statement of cash flows reports more information concerning the cash assets that are listed on a balance sheet and a linked, but not necessarily the same, as the net income found on the company’s income statement. Financial statements are nothing but numbers on a document when they’re on their own, but together, they provide valuable and powerful information for a company to make very big decisions about how to run their company, and how to make decisions for their company in the future. The information is also valuable for investors to make wise and educated decisions for investing in companies.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Reasons for Divorce in the UAE

Reasons for Divorce in the UAE Abstract The aim behind conducting this research is to shed light on some of the major reasons of the divorce phenomenon in UAE, which is drastically soaring in rate. This writing attempts to explore ideas about the factors of divorce and its catalysts in the society. This research also provides a detailed description of such factors and presents the most common reasons that led to the emergence of the factors behind divorce. In general, this writing logically outlines the reasons that led to divorce. This research is still in progress; thus, this paper only serves as a blueprint to a final draft, which shall cover the issue in a more comprehensive approach and provide broader detail about the phenomena. Since time constraint delimits the researcher to obtain more information about the issue, only a partial coverage of the phenomenon is tackled in this research paper. The major issues tackled in the succeeding text as contributory to the escalating rate of divorce in the Emirates include early marriage, financial issues, culture/tradition, polygamy, and adultery. All of these reasons suggest poor marriage foundation which maybe due to a lack of understanding about the reality of married life and a lack of regard for the value of marriage. At the end of this research, an accurate picture of the social issue shall be presented in the conclusion. Possible solutions will also be recommended to curb the rising rate of divorce in the form of formal and informal education to create awareness about responsible decision-making on matters concerning marriage thru the use of various media whether thru print, radio, or the internet, and by reinforcing existing government initiatives to address this social issue. Introduction Since the primitive ages of mankind, couples have chosen to be either together or separated. Divorce is a legitimate separation process imposed by religion; however, sophistication of the human beings by means of different religious beliefs, education and experiences in life could not put an end to the obstacle of divorce. Furthermore, the common reasons of divorce are shared worldwide and have general characteristics. Whether the reasons rely on both/ or either of the spouses, divorce is a substance of causes and effects-chains that should be seriously taken into consideration. Unlike worldwide countries, the divorce rate in the U.A.E. is increasing for many different scenarios. In this paper, the major reasons of why married couples resort to breaking the bonds of marriage thru a divorce will be discussed in further detail. Additionally, this paper shall comprehensively tackle how such scenarios have contributed to the alarming rise of divorce rate in UAE. At the end of this resear ch, we shall be able to acquire a good picture of how serious is this social issue, and suggest ways on how the society and the government can effectively address this. As a country known to the world to uphold high morals and regard the sanctity of marriage with high valuation, it is but essential that social authorities look into this social issue and initiate actions to control the rising rate. The escalating rate of divorce in the country has been attributed to early marriage, financial issues, culture/tradition, polygamy, and adultery. Body of the Essay Early Marriage Early marriage is one of the main causes of divorce. According to one study, 13.5% of divorced women and 23.7% of divorced men married early (Nazzal, 2001). At the beginning, according to Jamal Al Bah, director of the Marriage Fund in the U.A.E, many marriage cases end up in divorce because couples lack experience regarding the problems they face when they start their new lives. For example, some couples think that marriage is as smooth as the previous life they used to live with their families where there were neither responsibilities nor obligations to assume. Nevertheless, marriage is an infinite chain of new and different duties that each and every new married couple should take into consideration before they step into it. Furthermore, because some couples do not have mature experience about marital life and spousal obligations, they will not be able to react properly or take proper decisions for different obstacles they face (Gessner, 2000). Dr. Fatma Sayegh, a professor at the UAE University in Al Ain who is specializing in womens issues, have the same stand. According to her, young people get into marriage without an understanding of its significance. This is the reason why these relationships dont last, especially when faced with the challenges of married life. Moreover, problems that face early marriages may be aggravated by the fact that the couple had not had much time to know each other well before getting married; thus compatibility issues arise which may result into misunderstandings between the couple thats difficult to resolve (Chilton, 2009). Second, many families force their daughters to marry men who are of an age that is very different to their own. For example, girls who are in their late teens or early twenties, get married to men who are in their forties or even older that causes a clash of thinking and other forms of problems. In other words, these girls are not mature enough to cope with the new difficulties of the spousal life. In shor t, girls in such situations are always victims of their families inappropriate choice to the right partner for them (Gessner, 2000). Apart from that compatibility problems may also arise primarily due to age gap and differences in interests, attitudes, beliefs, and values. Financial Problems Financial problems are another main cause for divorce. Firstly, it is widely known what precedes a marriage; its all about the expenditures made by grooms, which may lead to huge financial difficulties that would shortly threaten a couples life (Chilton, 2009). For instance, in order for the grooms to please their brides and make them enjoy their wedding day, they have to do many things. Furthermore, some grooms spend more than they can afford by taking huge loans from banks. Moreover, other families may ask for a dowry which is known in most cases among U.A.E nationals as a huge amount that a groom is required to pay for his bride. Although these expenses make newly-wed couples happy on their wedding day, they might contribute later on to ruining their life that has not started yet, a life in debt. Secondly, the rent sky rocketing constitutes a new factor that causes divorce. For example, according to Jasem Mekki, head of the Family Guidance Committee, studies revealed that the spou se couldnt afford the appropriate accommodation for his wife as the rents are soaring, and he added, â€Å"The problem affected the newly married couples more†. With such calamity, one wonders why the government has not so far taken the appropriate measures to curb the spread of the rent hikes within the country, knowing that the latter provokes serious social problems in the U.A.E community (Nazzal, 2009). Thirdly, an unsatisfactory salary tears some couples marital life. As a part of Mekkis work, â€Å"The income of young people does not give them the chance to get a house and start a family†. Recently, this becomes obvious with the increasing cost of living (Nazzal, 2009). Polygamy The diagram below shows the result of a study by the UAE Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs on the most important reasons of divorce among Emirati couples. From the data, it can be inferred that it is often the man who initiates the divorce, and the most prevalent reason for this is polygamy or the desire to marry another woman (Hammad, 2003). Reasons of Divorce among UAE Couples In addition to the early marriage and the financial problems, polygamy is considered as a crucial motive for divorce. First of all, the inability of women to have children could be considered as a primary reason for polygamy. According to an article published in Islam Online in year 2006, twenty-three percent (23%) of women are deprived of having children. Although these women inability to have children is beyond their will (or in other words, it is their fate), their husbands blame it on them and take advantage of the situation to seek another partner who will be able to give them what the first one had deprived them of. Second, some women become victims of age as they grow older, so men tend to use that as an excuse to find another younger wife. Based on the same survey in the article mentioned above, thirty-one percent (31%) of divorces is due to the mans desire to marry another woman. Third, family duties negligence is a factor that leads to divorce as well. This, including overi ndulgence to alcohol, accounts for thirteen (13%) of responses for divorce reasons. In other words, a man might fail to fulfill his duties as a husband or a father by staying out late, missing family functions, or not being there for his wife or kids needs. This means the wife has to compensate and carries out the fathers responsibilities as well. This increase in responsibility overburdens her and eventually makes her unwillingly neglecting her duties as a wife. In many cases this is an adequate reason for the man to go and marry again. Thus, such study concluded that in most cases, it is the man that most likely initiates the divorce (Hammad, 2003). Cultural/Traditional Habits Cultural/Traditional habits are another major cause of elevated divorce rates in the UAE. First, fixed marriages might have influenced the rate of divorced nationals. For instance, many couples go into marriage just to fulfill their families desires, and they get failed expectations or unmet needs (Gessner, 2000). Second, Middle Eastern male sexism and women liberation are a huge factor in the chain of divorce. Women fight to be financially independent clashed with men rejection of allowing their wives working in an atmosphere that will put them in contact with other men. This is because men prefer them to stay home to look after their children. Women see that as a sexist act that is discriminating against them and violating their right of equalization. Dr. Hassan Ismael Obaid, social advisor to the UAE marriage fund stated that the changing attitudes of many national women had also played a big role in the rising divorce rates. They were resisting the social structures that rendered them faceless and voiceless, and bound them socially and financially to male relative (Gessner, 2000). Third, sometimes family interference is another factor that leads couples to divorce. A recent study on divorce conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs stressed in many cases couples were divorced after they chose to share accommodation with their families. According to this study, thirty-four percent (34%) of divorced women have lived with their spouses families and around eight percent of divorced men have lived with their wives families (Nazzal, 2001). Such a setup contributes to making the situation between the young spouses worse. For instance, some couples who get married might have small misunderstandings between each other, and because they are sharing their accommodation usually with either family, they get to seek advice by involving them in every misunderstanding they face whether shallow or serious. Such interference could sometimes make matters worse bet ween the spouses instead of simplifying them. Ultimately, this can automatically cause divorce for a couple. Adultery Last but not least, adultery is one of the worst ways of causing divorce. This happens when one of the spouses in a marriage has an affair and been unfaithful to the other. In the beginning, â€Å"Islam views adultery as a violation of a marital contract and one of the major sins†; yet in this day and age, many of married Moslems are in lack of the religious factor, which comes between them and between committing the act of infidelity (Adultery). Second, there is the blind negative imitation of foreigners via exposure to all types of media whether it is TV, magazine and internet. This influences the community to adapt to new behavior patterns of openness that contradicts with the native culture (Gessner, 2000). Moreover, this blind imitation made many members of the society see adultery as a normal thing to do, a conduct that is overlooked, forgivable, and not a taboo as long as it remained an unmentioned little secret. Third, the psychological effect on the behavior and perso nality is a reason among the others. For example, it is said that the way a person is raised as a child plus the way he/she was treated, shapes his/her personality. In addition, how a person interacts with the community is traced back to his/her early stages of development, so some couples face problems with trust and honesty that cause marital difficulties. Yet, instead of working on them, they go on and have affairs on the side to seek attention and satisfaction. â€Å"The way couples are brought up affects their ability to face the reality were raised during childhood, when they were prevented from expressing themselves freely and clearly, is considered one of the reasons for the increasing divorce rate† (Survey reveals 46pc divorce rate in UAE, 2005). The brining up system therefore affects the couples ability to face and deal with the reality later on their lives. Conclusion In conclusion, the divorce rate in the United Arab Emirates is soaring due to diverse reasons. Although, there is no official statistics on how rampant divorce cases are in the country, it is estimated that one in three Emirati couples end up in divorce (UAE steps in to curb rising divorce rate, 2009). Primarily, most cases of divorce are due to improper reason for the decision to get tied up in marriage such as what happens in early marriages and arranged marriages as dictated by culture and tradition. Such marriages have shown to have poor foundation, which is why it is not lasting and thus forcing both parties to culminate the marriage bond thru a divorce. And because of compatibility issues and poor bond, these couples find it difficult to bring the relationship across tides that maybe normally encountered by married couples like financial problems. Other reasons which also account a large percentage of the reasons why couples in UAE end up in divorce are rooted on morality. One author of The Emirates Economist commented that with the currently soaring rate of divorce in UAE, the United States is far from being morally inferior to UAE in such terms (Chilton, 2008). This assertion can be more justified with the fact that polygamy and adultery are among the major reasons why UAE couples end up breaking bonds of marriage. The community structure and culture provides an appropriate environment that fosters the tremendous spread of this phenomenon. A solution might not be easily obtained but, with proper formal and informal education combined and further religious-based awareness thru the use of various media among the new generation, eventually such phenomenon would significantly be reduced. It is suggested that education about marriage be started early on and integrated with formal sex education courses in schools. This is potentially beneficial especially among our youth to create an awareness of the reality of marriage life in their young minds and prepare t hem to make wiser decisions for their future. Such awareness may not only be taught in schools; the vast array of media tools that modern technology has created may be utilized to spread information about the right motivation for marriage. Other than that, the television, audio media, newspapers, and the internet maybe utilized by authorities to promote and reinforce good values and morals about the sanctity of marriage among the Emiratis especially the younger generation. Currently, there is a government drive to curb the rising rate of divorce among Emirate couples and such is directed among the youth. A council was created which will look into new trends and the youths attitudes towards marriage. This nationwide survey will be conducted by the UAE Ministry of Social Affairs (UAE steps in to curb rising divorce rate, 2009). Moreover, government initiatives such as monitoring divorce rates, tax incentives for couples and their children, conduct of mass discussion about the negative effects of divorce thru awareness campaigns, and founding social leagues to save families and settle disputes may also curb the rising rate of divorce (UAE has one of the highest divorce rates in the Middle East, 2009). Apart from these moves, one cause of why UAE couples find it easy to resort to divorce is its cheap cost; thus, the government and authorities might as well consider increasing its cost for the benefit of making Emiratis more responsible in deciding regarding marriage matters. The rising rate of divorce in the UAE society must be a cause of concern for the government and the Emirates society as a whole. Steps to curb its rise must be seriously initiated. After all, marriage is a serious social matter; it is not like chewing gum that one can just simply spit when it loses taste. And as a nation that upholds a reputation of high morals, we dont want to be known as a country of broken homes. References Adultery. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 31, 2009, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: Chilton, J. (2008, Mar 24). Divorce. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from The Emirates Economist: Economic Analysis of Events in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf: Chilton, J. (2009, Jan 26). Divorce: UAE Style. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from The Emirates Economist: Economic Analysis of Events in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf: Gessner, L. (2000, Mar 17). Marriage and the challenge of modern development. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Hammad, R. (2003, May 15). Divorce Costs UAE $220 Million Annually. Retrieved Dec 2009, 31, from Nazzal, N. (2001, Sept 02). Early marriage likely cause of divorce-study. Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Nazzal, N. (2009, May 03). Soaring rents spawn marital discord in RAK. Retrieved Jan 04, 2010, from Survey reveals 46pc divorce rate in UAE. (2005, Sept 16). Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Khaleej Times Online: §ion=theuaecol. UAE has one of the highest divorce rates in the Middle East. (2009 Mar 19). Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Fudzail: UAE steps in to curb rising divorce rate. (2009, Dec 31). Retrieved Jan 05, 2010, from Maktoob News:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Sociotechnical Systems Essay -- Information Technology

The concept of sociotechnical systems was created in the 1960’s as a part of organizational development research by E. Trist and F. Emery. Ranging from a small system between you and your phone, to the interaction between human behaviors with massive technical infrastructures society has developed in hopes to boost performance and quality for both the societal and technical side of the system (Fischer). The essential impression behind a sociotechnical system refers to the interrelatedness that humans, which are the social aspect of the term, and non-humans, which are the technical aspect of the term, have networks between each other. It is how a human interacts with the particular technology and in conjunction how technology inscribes relations onto humans. It is a conventional logic to think that humans have control of technology, and also that technology is simply used as an extension of human capabilities. Sociotechnical networks attempt to reveal how that may not be true by showing how technologies have a much more active role on human behavior, and by trying to show how the relationship between humans and non-humans is a much more complex and dynamic that we may assume (Pinch & Wiebe). Now with a better grasp on such a broad concept, where does someone actively fit in one of these systems? Personally, I participate in a number of sociotechnical systems across a range of platforms and devices from simple design to large scale complexity. Sociotechnical systems can bring people together through computer-mediated communications. Dedicated systems in companies can gather employee statistics to then compile and deploy in a knowledge base easily accessible by anyone who may gain assistance from a previous employees experience w... ...rking there were given two weeks’ notice. As a way of helping them go through this transition the company used a lot of its resources, be it the workforce placement company Yoh to find a new job for these employees to personal recommendations to friends in other companies to help this employees not be jobless for any long period of time. It’s very difficult to cater to everyone’s ethical expectations of the world. All we can do is cope, until a new sociotechnical system comes out that solves everyone’s ethical dilemmas for us. Works Cited Pinch, Trevor J. and Wiebe E. Bijker. "The Social Construction of Facts and Artefacts: Or How the Sociology of Science and the Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each Other. "Social Studies of Science: 399-441. Fischer, Gerhard. â€Å"Distributed intelligence: extending the power of the unaided, individual human mind.† 7-14.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Capillary Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry What is Chromatography? Chromatography is the technical term for a set of laboratory approaches for the separation of mixtures (Solid/Liquid/Gas). The mixture is dissolved in a fluid which called the mobile phase, which carries it through a structure holding another material known as the stationary phase. The various constituents of the mixture transport at different velocities, causing them to separate. The separation is mainly based on differential partitioning between the mobile and it’s stationary phases. Subtle differences in a compound's partition coefficient result in differential retention time on the stationary phase and thus changing the separation (Tomer, et al., 1994). Chromatography can be preparative or analytical. The basic purpose of preparative chromatography is to separate the components of a mixture for more advanced uses (and also it is a method of purification). Analytical chromatography is done normally with smaller amounts of material and is for measuring the relative proportions of analytic in a mixture. The two are not mutually exclusive (Covey, et al., 1986). Basically chromatography methods can categorize based on several factors. †¢ by chromatographic bed shape 1. Column chromatography 2. Planner chromatography (Paper and Thin layer methods) †¢ Displacement Chromatography †¢ by physical state of mobile phase 1. Gas 2. Liquid †¢ by separation mechanism 1. Adsorption chromatography 2. Ion exchange chromatography 3. Size exclusion chromatography 4. Partition chromatography 5. Affinity chromatography Figure 1: Classification of Chromatography techniques. Liquid Chromatography Liquid chromatography (LC) is an analytical c... ... their mass / charge ratio (m/z). Several different techniques are available for both ionization and ion analysis, resulting in many different catogories of mass spectrometers with different combinations of these two processes. In practice, some combinations are far more versatile than others and the following descriptions focus on the major types of ion sources and mass analyzers that used in LC-MS systems. †¢ Ion Sources 1) Electrospray Ionization Source 2) Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Source 3) Atmospheric Pressure Photo Ionization †¢ Mass Analyzers 1) Quadruple Analyzers 2) Time-of-flight Analyzers 3) Ion Trap Analyzers 4) Hybrid Analyzers Applications of Capillary liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry ïÆ' ¼ Biochemical screening or genetic disorders, ïÆ' ¼ Drug Monitoring and Toxicology, ïÆ' ¼ Vitamins and Related Metabolites, ïÆ' ¼ Analysis of Steroid Hormones

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Scene One of A Streetcar Named Desire Essay -- A Streetcar Named Desir

Scene One of A Streetcar Named Desire What is the dramatic significance of scene one of the play A Streetcar named Desire? Scene 1 of this play has great dramatic significance. In this essay, I will be looking at key points throughout the scene that reveal the key features of the plot, characters, theme and imagery plus how it is used to give the audience a taster for what is to come. Scene one is set in New Orleans, I feel this is used because in peoples mind beforehand it has a strong emotional presence and is often associated with many types of genres such as music. Sight and smell are often used in plays to help people get a sense of atmosphere and this is no exception. Cleverly as always to make something stand out in the media eye Williams takes this one step further by combining the strong senses of glorious unbelieving sights of New Orleans and the vast cultural display of music to create a strong, atmospheric potion. It offers a romantic vision of dingy life(referring to the not so perfect world they live in). The mix of characters demonstrates the way that New Orleans has changed to other southern American cities. It was originally a catholic settlement while most southern cities were protestant The music of the blue piano is cleverly used in the background to portray to feel of changing life throughout the city, while seemingly also reacting to the changing moods in the play through hate and anger of Blanche’s arguments with Stanley to love and forgiveness when Blanche arrives to stay with Stella. I feel it is also used to take the sting out of the feel of poverty. The polka music displays its original musical style, whilst being used for far more striking and startling incidents su... ...nough’ in many situations to get his point across. Stanley’s middle-scene entrance with meat underlines his primitive qualities as if he were taking it back to his cave fresh from the kill. It also displays a strong sexual bond between him and Stella which is also shown as noticeable by other characters. Stanley shouts â€Å"Catch!† as he throws the meat to the negro woman who yells â€Å"Catch What?†. The negro woman and Eunice see this as sexual and hysterical in his act of tossing the meat to a delighted Stella. This is a very cleverly thought out & structured first scene as this certainly prepares the audience for what is to come. Many class conflicts and clashes with high tempo drama from all sides of the story are certainly expected to remain throughout while a classic twist could and hopefully will be to carry on the great start could be on the cards.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Avila Auto Parts

a. The two methods of reporting in the parent company’s currency are different due to usage of different rates of exchange. Under the first method, the spot rates are to be used. Spot rates are the rates at which the transaction is carried out. This is normally a difficult approach and companies use the date on which the balance sheet and income statement is prepared. The spot is taken to be the rate of the balance sheet and other financial statements. The other method uses average rate of exchange of the period of reporting. In our case, using the two methods, we will have significant differences in the reported profits and losses. If we use the spot rate of balance sheet publication, the currency conversion factor will be 12000 pesos per dollar, whereas if we use average rate, the conversion will be done at 10,000 pesos per dollar. There will be a difference of 20 percent in the reporting. On the other hand, if the rate today has been less than the exchange rate at the beginning, the current reported figures would have been lower than those reported under first method. We should ideally use the method of spot rate at which payments are made. If it is not possible, the average rate would be better and consistent. Average can be taken for monthly figures or weekly rates to make it more accurate and representative of the realistic picture. As the income statement shows, the profits for the year were 25,000 million pesos in the local country. If it is translated to the parent company’s reporting currency using the spot rate of income statement, that is 12,000 pesos = $1, we will have net profits of $2,083,333. If we use the average rate of the period, that is (8,000+12,000)/2 = 10,000 pesos per $1, we will have net profits of $2,500,000 or $2. 5 million. Under both the methods of reporting the same profits/income of the company to its parent company, the profits are quite different simply due to the currency difference and exchange rate variation over the period. The difference in profits reported is more than $0. 4 million or roughly 20 percent which may change the decisions taken at headquarters. Taking into consideration the differences in the exchange rates and conversion risk, the company should decide on a measure to select the rate of exchange to use for its reporting during the entire life of the organization. They should consistently use whatever they have decided to use over their entire life. b. Functional currency is the one in which the operational cash is generated and is normally the currency of the country where the operations are going on. If the currency of the operating country is not stable, it can not be considered as functional currency. The stability of currency means that the rate of inflation over three year period should be less than 100 percent. As in the given case, the rate of inflation is 50 percent, (from 8,000 ps per dollar to 12,000 ps per dollar), the functional currency will be peso as the operational cash flows are generated in pesos and the inflation is within the limits. If the inflation over the past two years reaches 150 %, the functional currency will be changed to the reporting currency of the parent company, which in our case is dollar. . Economic exposure for Avila can be seen by the given conversion rates and their variability over such a short period of time. Economic exposure is the effect of foreign currency rate changes to the cash flows and other measures of operational performance. The exposure for any company is affected by the industry it is operating in and the stability of the currency of its operating country and the parent company. If there is excess demand of pesos, it will push th e rates of pesos higher and vice versa. If the rate gets higher, that is there will be less pesos in a dollar, the performance in the parent company’s report will be better than the situation when the exchange rate gets low. The two reporting methods will lead to significant differences in reported profits and losses to the parent company, from the operations in some other country. 3. Hedging can be a good option to protect the company against any unforeseen changes in the exchange rates. The company can make hedging I a number of ways to make itself protected against foreign exchange risk. Four positions are possible to provide such a protection using simple forward contracts and options. a. Long forward Under long forward position, the company at the operating country can take a long forward position to fix exchange rate (today) for a future date of transaction. Taking a long position means that the investor is agreeing to buy the underlying asset, at a specified price, agreed by both parties, on some future date. The contract has to be executed irrespective of what the conversion rate will be. Unlike options, none of the parties has the option to execute the contract or revoke it, but it is mandatory for both of them to carry it out. b. Short forward Short forward position can act equally well at the parent company’s location. The parent company at the parent country can go to short forward position so that it can sell dollars to pesos at a rate specified today. Using both the positions they can hedge the overall loss and can be certain about the expected gains. Options provide a type of insurance against any unforeseen changes in exchange rate. The buyer of call option and the seller of put option, both have the right to exercise the option or to waste it. The maximum loss in wasting the option is restricted to the price of the option. In this way, the company can set a floor to its loss and can gain as much as it can. c. Long Call Long call allows the parent company to buy a right to buy at a specified rate at some future point in time. If the rate increases, the company will have the option to buy at a lower rate than the market going rate, if it goes down, the loss will be restricted to the price of the option and the gains can be as much as the rate goes down. . Short Put Short Put will allow the company at the operating country to enter into a position to sell a right to sell at a set rate. The working for this will be exactly in the opposite manner as the long call position. 4. Financial architecture affects the overall cost for the company. If the inflation is high and the interest rates are high for a high risk firm , the cost of obtaining financing from banks and other Financial Institutions (FIs) will be high. Equity financing or market financing will require a higher rate of return, but the firm may shift the payments to some future period. As for bank financing or debt financing, it will have to make payments to the lending institution within the given timeframe. The firms may choose to go for a certain debt to equity ratio to gain advantage of optimal capital structure to optimize their costs of capital or WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital). 5. Euro currency is the use of currency in some other country. This in our case refers to storage, saving of pesos in the parent country where the currency in use is dollars. This will provide the company benefits in terms of advantage in domestic interest rate regulations and other barriers to free flow of cash. Firms participate in the euro currency markets to gain the benefits from exchange rate inefficiencies and under or over valuation of some currencies. If the investments are in the parent company’s currency and the operations are in the local currency of country where operations are being carried out, the exchange rate plays a vital role when calculating returns on investments for the company’s investments and funding by the parent company. If the domestic currency rises in operating country, the rate of return required should be higher than normal to overcome the exchange differences and vice versa. To overcome this difference and the problems due to fluctuating exchange rates, companies enter euro-currency markets where they can keep their money in parent company’s currency and convert it to functional currency as and when needed. This provides them the opportunity to maintain the required base in terms of parent company’s currency. 6. Other alternatives to run a firm’s fund-flow mechanism are to use various swaps in the form of interest rate swaps or foreign currency swaps. MNCs can go for unbundling of their costs at headquarters to affiliate companies of subsidiaries. In this way they can divide their costs to subsidiaries. Multinationals can go for transfer pricing mechanisms to avoid taxes on their overall operations. This can be done by pricing their internally traded goods for the purpose of moving profits to low tax nations. This will provide them an overall higher profitability. Companies can also create re-invoicing centers to avoid exchange rate fluctuations. The invoice currency will be the one used rather than the operating currency. This will reduce their exposure to currency and exchange rate risk. This will increase communication costs and to some extent create an overhead whereby the overall time delays and costs will be increased. MNCs can also transfer funds to their parent companies as dividends if the local conditions and regulatory framework is favorable. The major benefits of using different mechanisms can be obtained because of differences in the tax mechanisms and tax systems in different countries. Firms, by simply moving their profits from high tax region to a low tax region can save on their overall taxes provided the costs of moving are not high enough to make it unprofitable.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

French History: Belle Époque Essay

Belle Epoque means beautiful era in French. This is an apt description of what took place during the late 1800s up until the start of the First World War. This period of European history is characterized by political stability, peace between major European nations and a flourishing in almost all aspects of society. This modern golden age of Europe started with the peace following the Franco-Prussian war. (Rudorff) Although tensions were still present between rival countries like France and Germany, the improvement of international relations helped conclude treaties and summits. Most notable of these were the Congress of Berlin in 1878 by which the major countries of Europe met to discuss the future of the Balkan and Ottoman states, and the Berlin Congo Conference in 1884 which aimed to regulate European trade in Africa. (Childers and Teaching Company. ) The major European countries at the start of the Belle epoque were pursuing diplomacy with each other in concern with major issues. This could be said to be a result of the past Franco-Prussian war Politics in the Belle Epoque was with few explosive conflicts. Europe as a whole was too interested in Africa, in the Scramble for Africa that followed the Berlin Congo Congress, to fight with each other in their native continent. The Scramble for Africa denoted the individual European Countries’ contest over the resource rich continent. The internal politics of each country was relatively stable, except for Portugal, with the revolution of 1910. Although peaceful, The Belle Epoque was characterized by growing tension between the bourgeoisie and the workers throughout Europe, giving an increase in socialist activities. During this period, science and technology made rapid advancement in almost all fields. The relative isolationism between countries and parts of the world was significantly reduced with the proliferation of new modes of transportation like the automobile, the airplane, and the underground railway system. The world further shrank with the advent of the telephone, which enabled real time voice communications across far distances. The world of arts was also revolutionized with the cinematograph and the phonograph. The Belle Epoque also produced various breakthroughs in physics, microbiology, biology and chemistry. This was the time of the discoveries and theories of Pasteur, Planck, Bohr, and Einstein among others. It was also in 1895, upon the death of Alfred Nobel, that the Nobel Prize was enacted. The social sciences and psychology also flourished with thinkers like Sigmund Freud, Max Webber and Simmel. Perhaps the most noted feature of the Belle Epoque is the revolutionary transformations in the art and literature of the world. The stability of the major European countries, and the ease by which on could travel within Europe all gave rise to art revolutions centralized in European capital cities. In, Paris, a new movement called Impressionism, from the work of Clause Monet set the standard all across Europe. This was followed by the Expressionist movement, originating in Germany, which spread all throughout Europe and across the Atlantic, to America. Most notable of these were the works of Edward Munch, Wassily and Egon Schiele. Art Nouveau, fin de siecle and other art movements sprang from various European cities as offspring of both Impressionism and Expressionism. The era also produced a rise in graphic art, with a huge proliferation of sketches, etchings, lithographs and posters. The decadence brought upon by stability is evident in the quality of life and the vibrant display of the arts in the major European capitals. The artistic freedom in this era was also one highlight. Every topic, every scene could be seen depicted in almost any medium during the Belle Epoque. Artists in this era gained almost worldwide notoriety, like Oscar Wilde. The advances in art were not limited to painting and sculpture. Architecture and fashion also flourished during the Belle Epoque. Parisian fashion among the middle and upper classes were sophisticated and extravagant. (Feinblatt et al. ) Architecture progressed with the rise of the artistic movements, producing many revolutionary works. The introduction of the cinematograph also revolutionized visual media, leading to greater interest in films and cinema. Louis Lumiere produced the first short films that were the first paid public exhibitions of such works. Melies introduced the realm of the extraordinary to the films, showing fantastic spectacles as opposed to real life events. Even advertising reached its first pinnacle during the Bell Epoque, with prints and poster being source of income and avenue for artistic expression. Literature, music and the theatre accompanied the arts’ progression during the Belle Epoque. Expressionism lent new material to theatrical productions, which now aimed to shock audiences with graphic and sexual material. (Rearick) Music in the Belle Epoque is evidenced by salon, which gained mainstream popularity due to its light and shot tones. Naturalism and realism pervaded literature, with writers like Yeats, Fontane, Mauppasant and Zola. The surrealist works of Franz Kafka also dealt with the conditions of society, the transformation of the world. Other authors include Thomas Mann and Marcel Proust. (Trueba and Lola Films (Firm)) The Belle Epoque ended with the beginning of the First World War. The tensions that belied the calm surface of the era culminated in a war that involved almost all major nations in the world. The socialist undertones brewing during the Belle Epoque all exploded during the war. The Belle epoque is considered the golden age of Modern Europe. In between two major wars, the peace in this era produced a general feeling of stability and decadence. Prosperity and enjoyment permeated the lifestyle of the middle and upper classes. The stability of the era also paved the way for rapid advancement in the arts, science, literature and technology. As an era, the Belle Epoque is a good case study as to how productive peace can be, and the effects of wars on the development of mankind’s culture. References Childers, Thomas, and Teaching Company. Europe and Western Civilization in the Modern Age. [sound recording] /. Teaching Co. ,, Springfield, VA :, 1998. Feinblatt, Ebria, et al. â€Å"Toulouse-Lautrec and His Contemporaries : Posters of the Belle Epoque from the Wagner Collection. † (1985): 264 p. Rearick, Charles. â€Å"Pleasures of the Belle Epoque : Entertainment and Festivity in Turn-of-the-Century France. † (1985): xiii, 239 p. , [10] p. of plates. Rudorff, Raymond. â€Å"The Belle Epoque; Paris in the Nineties. † (1973): 365 p. Trueba, Fernando, and Lola Films (Firm). Belle Epoque [the Age of Beauty]. [videorecording] =. Columbia TriStar Home Video,, [Burbank, Calif. ] :, 1994.

To what extent do sociologists agree that different levels of educational attainment are affected by genetics?

A sociologist would not agree that a student's genetic make up has an affect on their educational achievement. They would state that there is also no scientific evidence what so ever to explain or suggest that a person's chromosomes determine their successes within the education system. Instead, they would suggest that the patterns in differences of educational attainment are down to social factors. A sociologist would explain the differences in terms of human social life, groups and societies. Sociologists aim to investigate and understand the social world and human behaviour within it. They are particularly interested in the way society influences us and shapes our lives. In the past it was assumed that some strata of society were superior to others because they inherited intelligence or artist abilities along with their physical appearance from their parents. This belief in â€Å"genetic endowment† has been challenged over the past one hundred years and the â€Å"nature vs. nurture† debate continues. Many definitions have been given to explain the nature of intelligence. A simple one is â€Å"the ability to perceive and solve problems† – the nature of the problems will however depend on the society in which they exist. A lot of research has been aimed at establishing whether, and to what extent, intelligence is inherited. Conclusions have ranged from that of Watson (1931) who stated â€Å"There is no such thing as an inheritance of capacity, talent, temperament, mental constitution and characteristics†, and that of Floud, Halsey and Martin (1956), who argued â€Å"it is well known that intelligence is largely an acquired characteristic†, to that of Jensen (1969) and Eysenck (1973), who have maintained that genetic factors are much more important than environmental influences in producing differences in intelligence. Most research since has concluded that intelligence is in some measure inherited but that environmental factors can be conclusive in its development or otherwise. In Britain the major argument with regard to environment and heredity revolves around the impact in differences in academic achievement between the social classes. Although differences in measured intelligence have been taken into account, the impact of the environment upon a child's educational chances seems of much greater significance. For example, the environment will include the kind of stimulus a child receives in terms of speech, books, encouragement and example. It will include varies in facilities such as housing, computers, privacy and private tuition; it will include values of the home, area, and local peer group. Also, it will even include nutrition, for there is some evidence to suggest that severe malnutrition within the first few years can affect the development of the brain. Therefore, the differences between the environmental factors which affect the working class and middle class mean that they will seem to have a different level of intelligence. The term ‘social class' is one which involves describing a person's position in society. An individual's class is often determined by looking at either their occupation or their parent's occupation. Stats tend to show that the higher a student's social class background is, the greater the chance of that student gaining educational success. But why is this, Members of the lower classes place less value on the importance of education. This is due to the different way in which they have been socialised to believe in different norms and values. They place less emphasise on formal education as a means of personal achievement. Members of the lower classes also place less value on the importance of achieving occupational status; therefore during education they are less likely to strive to achieve top grades. Students from lower social classes tend to take into account a wider range of issues when deciding to enter higher education, in comparison to their counterparts from the higher social classes. They tend to place more importance on the expected beneficial outcomes of higher education than do students from higher social class groups. In comparison to the middle class, the working class tend to believe that there is less opportunity for personal achievement. This belief may be due to the lower value the working class place on the importance of education and higher educational status. Some sociologists also say that this may be due to the lack of opportunity which is enhanced more so, by the working class' own poor belief in themselves. This may lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is the idea that the working class do not achieve educational success, as they do not believe that they will be able to achieve it, therefore not trying to strive for better attainment. This can also be a value that is taught to them by socialising institutions. For example, if a person's family are of working class and their immediate family did not do well in education, and believe that it is an institution that only benefit's the ruling classes then they are likely to pass on these values and therefore cause the child to feel the same. They therefore will also not succeed within the education system as they would think that whatever they do will not be good enough, meaning they will not strive for achievements. This is enhanced more so by streaming and setting. By using the streaming system a less able student may feel that there is no point in trying to succeed as there are too many other students who are more capable than themselves. This therefore causes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Also it has been argued that it is common for the lower groups of the streaming process tend to be from the working class. Whereas the students of the higher streams tended to be from the middle class. This could be due to more wealth meaning better educational assistance, e.g. tutoring, books and equipment, etc. leading to better educational attainment. However, it could also be due to labelling theory. The school culture tends to be middle class, e.g. type of speech etc. although schools vary in their educational objectives. They therefore, tend to enforce middle class values. Teachers are middle class and unavoidably make judgements about pupils. These judgements often affect the child's chances of educational achievement. The idea of the theory is that a teacher labels a student, according to their class by their, speech and family background. If a student is labelled in such ay to be in the working class, then the teacher may not have belief in them achieving educational success and therefore not offer them as much encouragement or push them to do better. This therefore causes these students to not seek for higher opportunities and not reach their full potential. Social research by Douglas also stressed the importance of parental attitudes determining educational success. Some researchers have suggested that middle class parents socialise their children into one set of norms and values and parents from the working class socialise their children into a different set. It has also been suggested that the values taught to the middle class contribute to the development of ambition, disciplined study and individual striving for success. These are values which are highly thought of by teachers within schools. Due to the middle class backgrounds of teachers, working class values are less likely to lead to such success as there is an emphasise put on present gratification. Sociologists say therefore that because a person is a part of a different social class, meaning their difference is only man made. Their chromosomes or genetics does not efficiently explain the difference in the working class' and middle class' educational achievement. Just as parents' expectations, attitudes and also teachers' expectations and attitudes, can be crucial in affecting the educational achievement of those from the differing class groups, so too, can these expectations and attitudes influence differential achievement between girls and boys and between people form different ethnic backgrounds. The expectations of girls being passive by teachers mean that they get labelled. They also tend to accept this label and think it natural for boys to ask questions and challenge teachers. Sociologists would say that because female students in the past did not perform as well as their male counterparts in the education system, but are now achieving better than boys, genetics is an inadequate explanation of the differences in educational success. Instead this would suggest that the feminist movement has led to the changing of attitudes towards women's roles in society and in turn their aspirations and expectations for career opportunities (79% of women said they wanted to develop a career). They would also suggest that the increase in female achievement is down to the introduction of the national curriculum, changing job opportunities and legal change in policies, i.e. promoting equal opportunities between the genders. Statistics show that for both female and male GCSE students the percentage achieving 5 or more GCSEs have increased, however, the statistics also show that more of the female students are still achieving better than the males. Some sociologists have studied and attempted to explain male underachievement. Harris's research about adolescent attitudes (mainly the working class) has shown that boys are thought to be suffering from increasing low self-esteem and poor motivation. The study also showed that males seem to be less willing to struggle and to overcome difficulties of understanding their studies. They are more easily distracted and find coursework harder to complete. Their female counterparts are more willing to spend a longer time on their homework and revising for their subjects. They are more focused on their futures and see qualifications as more important. As is gender and influential factor on the educational achievement of a student, their ethnicity is also. Statistics have shown that to some extent a child's attainment is related to their ethnicity. Students from some ethnic backgrounds tend to underachieve more than other, e.g. children from English, Welsh, Scottish and African-Caribbean families fared the worst (ILEA study). Whereas students from Indian, African and Pakistani backgrounds showed the best. In all ethnic groups the females out performed the males. Some sociologists say that these ethnic differences can be explained by the differing socio-economic status that is generally held from ethnic group to ethnic group. For example, underachieving Bangladeshi children tend to be form the working class. It is therefore hard to differentiate between the affect of class and ethnicity. It is hard to discuss the differences of parental expectations between the ethnic groups as it can also be interpreted as the different expectations of social classes. However, cultural differences have been used to explain the differences in educational attainment. This view suggests that the cultures of some ethnic minority groups are different from the â€Å"mainstream† culture of schools. This therefore may affect their achievement as the school is a place where the white norms and values dominate. Many members of ethnic minority groups may also speak English as a second language. This therefore puts them at a disadvantage within school. This may lead to students feeling less capable and confident when it comes to oral and written work, affecting their achievement levels and possible causing a self-fulfilling prophecy. In the same way, teachers label males and the middle class to be less capable, they also tend to label ethnic minorities. These stereotypes mean that there are again differences in the way ethnic groups are taught and treated, affecting how they perform within the education system. In conclusion, a sociologist would disagree that differences in genetics affect educational attainment of individuals. They would not argue that biological factors cause the differences in achievement, but would suggest that the patterns of underachievement etc. are due to the way society influences human behaviour. Sociologists have spent much time investigating the influence of social class, ethnicity and gender differences. It is hard to differentiate between the affect of one factor and the affect of another. Therefore, sociologists agree that educational attainment is effected in many different ways and that no one factor can out-influence another. They also agree that the â€Å"nature vs. nurture† argument is not fully resolved as society will ever be changing and scientific research and abilities will ever be improving.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Athenian Democracy 4 Essay

Who really made our type of government? We surely didn’t. It was amazingly the people of Athens. It started in 508 BC and is still around as we use it. It remains a unique and intriguing experiment in direct democracy where the people do not elect representatives to vote on their behalf but vote on legislation and executive bills in their own right Participation was not at all open, but the in-group of participants was constituted with no reference to economic class and they participated on a scale that was truly phenomenal. The public opinion of voters was remarkably influenced by the political satire performed by the comic poets at the theaters. Only adult male Athenian citizens who had completed their military training as ephebes had the right to vote in Athens. We have had that and many other laws changed around the government. In our government every few years the people vote on new people to represent them, hence the name â€Å"Representative† Democracy. However the Athenian people also voted on some of their leaders but that was done in the Agora, which is where every male land owner who is over the age of twenty would meet. This meeting was called the assembly. The assembly could be best related to our State Representatives. Then just above them was the council of 500, who monitored the assembly and gave them topics to discuss, as well as bills to vote on. Above the council of 500 come the Magistrates. The Magistrates job can be best described as the â€Å"Police in the Government. † Their job is to ensure that all the laws are being followed and act accordingly when they are not. The Magistrates, despite the amount of power that they hold, are still not the highest government official in the Athenian democracy, after them comes the Council of the 10 Generals. The Council of 10 Generals was in charge of the military. The Athens didn’t start by being a democratic city. It was started by Cleisthenes whose reforms turned Athens from an oligarchy (government by the few) to a democracy (government of the people). The key to Athenian democracy was Cleisthenes redrawing of the social-political landscape of Athens and Attica. The chief magistrate of the city was often called the Archon eponymous or ruler. His responsibilities included conducting investigations of legal cases, in particular those that involved the state. He was responsible for protecting the orphans and heiresses with no family and to appoint the choregos who was in charge of organizing the religious festivals. The move towards democracy reflects other changes in society. In the prehistoric period, throughout Greece, aristocratic families have provided the main fighting force, as cavalry. In the seventh century the Greek city-states develop the new military idea of the heavily armed soldier, the hoplite. A remorseless phalanx of hoplites becomes as effective on the battlefield as the tank in modern times. These soldiers provide their own weapons and armor, but this is expensive. Several of the Greek oligarchies, including that of Athens in the sixth century, reflect the power of this middle class of citizens. A strategic change of direction by Athens, early in the fifth century, gives these poorer citizens a new power. The military effort is diverted into building up an Athenian navy. Triremes, the fast warships of the time, need men to row them. Suddenly every citizen has a part to play, and the crews of a fleet of warships have a self-evident political strength. A more radical democracy, introduced by Pericles in 462, is almost an inevitable result. Approximately one hundred officials out of a thousand were elected rather than chosen by lot. There were two main categories in this group: those required to handle large sums of money, and the 10 generals, the strategy. One reason that financial officials were elected was that any money embezzled could be recovered from their estates; election in general strongly favored the rich, but in this case wealth was virtually a prerequisite. Generals were elected not only because their role required expert knowledge but also because they needed to be people with experience and contacts in the wider Greek world where wars were fought. In the fifth century BC, principally as seen through the figure of Pericles, the generals could be among the most powerful people in the polis. Yet in the case of Pericles, it is wrong to see his power as coming from his long series of annual generalships (each year along with nine others). His office holding was rather an expression and a result of the influence he wielded. That influence was based on his relation with the assembly, a relation that first lay simply in the right of any citizen to stand and speak before the people. Under the fourth century version of democracy the roles of general and of key political speaker in the assembly tended to be filled by different persons. In part this was a consequence of the increasingly specialized forms of warfare practiced in the later period. Elected officials too were subject to review before holding office and scrutiny after office. They too could be removed from office any time the assembly met. In one case from the fifth century BC the 10 treasurers of the Delian league (the Hellenotamiai) were accused at their scrutinies of misappropriation of funds. Put on trial, they were condemned and executed one by one until before the trial of the tenth and last an error of accounting was discovered, allowing him to go free.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Race & Ethnicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Race & Ethnicity - Essay Example In America, ethnicity and race have been perceived differently in the past and presently due to color, gender discrimination, and religious differences, which are the main determinants. The traditional perception of race and ethnicity in the country was that those who belonged to a specific race were segregated from the other. Each tribe was independent of the other irrespective of the above factors. Today in America, ethnicity, and race involves grouping people on the basis of how much the society rewards them and their shared culture. Unlike in the past when majority of Americans were white, presently, people in America are either black or white, and their no transition except for Native Americans or the Asian Americans (Margret 12). As a result, race and ethnicity was not on the basis of color in the past. Today, white people in America live segregated from the non-whites. The Africans-Americans live typically in large Africans neighborhoods. The residential segregation has led to elevated levels of poverty experienced in the racial and ethnic minorities. These minorities have dismal chances to acquire jobs, poor healthcare facilities and are prone to crime. There has been increased resistance fusion in marriage patterns of people of America outside their ethnic, religious, and racial groups. Gender differences did not have power in the past hence determined not much race and ethnicity. Today, gender has been a base of discrimination in the United States where the interests of the females have been addressed as those of minority. The white men have overlooked the oppression of the female sex gender. Feminism distracts women from full participation in the America’s progress, and their formation of feminist groups among the Blacks worsens the matter (Clear et. al. 22). The media portray the black African-Americans negatively where they are seen as uneducated, prostitutes, and homemaker’s. Race and ethnicity has been violent because of religious d ifferences presently due to the increase in religious denominations. In the past, religion did not have much power as it does today hence determined less about race and ethnicity. Today, people have used religion as a discriminatory factor in the United States. Terrorist have even used religion as their bases for terror, for example, the Muslims fight the Christians in America. European immigrants sometimes faced religious intolerance as well as the Roman Catholics who suffered from prejudice (Clear 38). People discriminate others because of religion because they are unfamiliar with other religions and the childish mentality that any opposing religion is wrong. Many people from childhood grow not knowing how to appreciate other’s religion and thus train to treat them brutally. People of a specific religion are thus forced to adopt some behaviors that will seclude them from the rest and this form a based for racism and ethnicity in the United States (Barron 4). In conclusion, race and ethnicity is common in the American society, but different from the traditional perspective in respect to color, gender discrimination, and religious differences. Evident in this paper, presently, the patterns of race and ethnicity are changing by being biracial and multiracial among the present children (Margret 18). Through color, race and ethnici

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The interview about communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The interview about communication - Essay Example The first question I asked my friend is related to his view regarding the relations between communications and culture. He believes that communication and culture are closely intertwined with each other. In fact, my friend holds that the lack or non-existence of culture would result to the impossibility of the development of communication, historically and vice versa. He gives an example of the development of the human species. He explained that the earliest days of human beings were close to the culture of communication. Communication first started out as a necessity for collective survival of human tribes. Eventually, culture was developed as humanity developed communication skills. It came to a point wherein human beings formed different societies, created their own culture, and produced cultural distinctions and differences. This leads to the next question regarding the method behind communication as a means to bridging cultural differences. My friend answers that finding a bridge between the cultural differences of people requires understanding the culture of others. Man must look and understand another culture for what it is without any preconceived judgments or prejudices. There is no such thing as a general application of one cultural aspect to another. Each culture has its own perspective regarding different matters or points of view. According to my friend, there is a tendency for many prevailing cultures to insist that their point of view regarding any matter applies, or should be applied and adhered to by other cultures.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Women in African Diaspora religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Women in African Diaspora religion - Essay Example However, these Diaspora religions have an impact on the way gender issues are advancing in the United States of America. These Diaspora religions do this in a number of ways; These Diaspora religions offer many services to the members. However, because the highest number of people in these churches is women, they benefit more from these services. These women are able to get financial support, legal advice, and even counseling. This increases the socioeconomic empowerment of these women. As a result, the presence of these African Diaspora religions has been a boost to the American bid to empower women politically, finally and socially (Griffith & Savage, 2006). It is good to note that the African Diaspora citizens in United States of America make up to one million people, most of whom are women. Most of these people live in American gateway cities such as New York and los Angeles. This means that their impact on socioeconomic matters is likely to affect the rest of the population in United States. As a result, the African Diaspora religions are doing a great job in bringing empowerment to United States of America. These churches also offer political forums albeit in an informal way. They offer these forums in two main ways. To begin with, the church services are full of political connotations and political matters are involved in these services such as in sermons. The leadership in these churches use the pulpit to discuss political matters of their home-country politics and with politics in United States of America. The other way in which these churches offer a political forum for discussing political matters is with regard to the after-service chats that are one on small informal groups. These women are able to hold small groups where they can chat and educate each other with regard to political matters. This makes it easier for